Laser considerations
Speak with your Laser Technician prior to treatment if any of the below concerns relate to you
Can not be performed during pregnancy or while undergoing treatment for skin cancer
Can not treat over tattoos or permanent makeup
Medication precautions:
Accutane - last dose must be a minimum of six months prior to treatment
Gold therapy - may cause blue- grey discoloration
Anticoagulants - increased chance of bruising
No self tanners 2-4 weeks prior to treatment
Vitiligo - may cause de-pigmentation
Herpes - pre-treatment with an antiviral may be indicated
Diabetes/ Neuropathies - may impede wound healing and decreased sensation or numbness
History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring (should do a test patch prior to treatment)
Tan skin or darker skin types have an increased risk of complications and/or pigmentary issues - Not treated as aggressively so may require more treatments for desired results
Do not treat questionable skin lesions - these should be evaluated by a specialist prior to treatment
Cutera: Xeo
Cutera has over 15 years of innovation. Cutera's Xeo platform has been perfected over years of additions\and upgrades. The Nd:YAG laser connected to the Xeo platform is suitable for all skin types and skin colours. Has a cooling tip for skin protection and client comfort. Designed to treat: leg veins, spider veins, port wine stains, facial veins, warts, nail fungus, hair removal, fine lines, skin tightening, scars, stretch marks, rosacea, redness and uneven skin texture. For more information on Cutera follow the link below.